Why Do I Love Weddings? And What It's Like To Work With Me! | Aberdeen Wedding Photographer

I started on this wedding photography journey over 13 years ago. Before that, I'd always had an interest in looking at photographs. Mainly old slides and prints dug out from my parent's loft.
Fast forward to summer 2017 following a change of ownership in the full-time job. This kick up the backside led me to the decision. To grow the photography business and try and make it a full-time occupation. My time to take control, follow my heart and do something I love doing.
I had wedding bookings at this point. So, I started to market myself as an Aberdeen wedding photographer.

But WHY do I love Wedding Photography?

It starts when I get an enquiry. I like meeting new people. The buzz of discovering their plans for their Aberdeen wedding, how they see their wedding photographs. Their chosen Aberdeen wedding venue, possibly where they could have the bridal portraits taken.
They will have seen my online Aberdeen wedding photography portfolio before enquiring. When we meet before booking, I will always show complete Aberdeen wedding photography in sample albums, plus various prints. So they can envisage themselves in these albums. I also bring along a laptop to go through some more real weddings.
I share a few ideas based on my signature wedding photos that we could do at their chosen Aberdeen wedding venue. It helps build excitement and trust, helping me get a booking.
So I got the booking. I will arrange a viewing for my benefit if it's a new venue. A month or so before a wedding, I will meet the couple to go through any last-minute plans. Making sure I'm in the right place at the right time.
The night before, I double-check everything is charged, cleaned and packed. Attention to detail!!
At the wedding, butterflies kick in, encouraging me to do my utmost best on the day. But once I start working, everything clicks, and I get on with the day. On the lookout for little moments, and think ahead to ensure you don't miss a thing. It's tiring but so worth it.

Why do I do this?

To ensure everything is perfect for my couples with wedding photographs in their Wedding Albums to cherish for years and pass down the generations.

Why Choose Me As Your Aberdeen Wedding Photographer?

So you are planning your Aberdeen wedding? What are you going to book first? It should be your Aberdeen wedding venue. Once you have this, the date is secured. Now you can start planning your Aberdeen wedding.
You must make a wedding planning checklist to book the other suppliers on time.

But Why Book Me?

You will probably have been googling 'wedding photographers in Aberdeen'—a good shout, as most of us have done. Hopefully, I'm showing up on the searches.
Going through the various listings, you will start to narrow down the Aberdeen wedding photographers whose style you like. The next stage would be to contact the Aberdeen wedding photographer on your list.

The Meeting.

Arrange a meeting with the main ones, get to know them and see if you will get along. This meeting also allows you to see more of their portfolio. These should be complete weddings, where you can see the style and consistency of wedding photographs that you can expect from your Aberdeen wedding day. Don't just rely on digital; see them in wedding albums and prints. It proves that wedding photographers in Aberdeen are serious about delivering quality service and products to their couples. At the meeting, be sure to ask lots of questions. You want to learn about them and what they can bring to your wedding day. Likewise, expect them to ask many questions about your Aberdeen wedding day. Before accepting your booking, an Aberdeen wedding photographer will want to know you are that special couple for them to work alongside. It's a two-way thing.
You should also expect to have a pre-wedding meeting to check over any last-minute details and changes to the schedule.

On Your Wedding Day!

Your Aberdeen wedding photographer will be with you from bridal preparations through to your first dance or two. Someone who can, if you choose correctly, will capture your wedding as you envisage it. Whose personality will shine through and get along with you, your family and friends?

A Personal Photographer For The Day!

Think about the above headline. Yes, as wedding photographers in Aberdeen, that's what we are.

So it all begins when you enquire about looking for an Aberdeen wedding photographer. Before booking, I will always try to meet you, probably at your Aberdeen wedding venue. Why? I would love to get to know you and hear all about your plans. As I'm sure you want to get to know me. Someone you're going to be spending most of your wedding day in my company.
Putting in the time with couples looking for Aberdeen wedding photographers is just part of the job, adding value to my customer experience.

What's Next?

If you book, I will arrange to meet you at your chosen wedding venue in Aberdeen a month or so before your wedding day. A final run through your plans, making sure I'm in the right place at the right time.

The Wedding Day!

The wedding day! Where I become your photographer for the day.
It's why it's so important to have an Aberdeen wedding photographer that you are comfortable being around as part of your day. I'll be spending a large part of the day with you, your friends and family. We must be comfortable around each other to get the best out of each other. I work unobtrusively, but there are times I will guide you. The aim is always to create something special for you in my style.

As your personal Aberdeen wedding photographer for the day, ensuring your wedding photographs reflect your wedding day means you get the best wedding photographs possible. These wedding photographs in your photo album will be cherished memories you can look back on for years and hand down to your children or grandchildren.

Creative Wedding Photography.

Creative wedding photography! Most brides will start by saying, 'We prefer the natural moments'. That's a fair point, as most of the day will feature the natural moments. But guess what? As an Aberdeen wedding photographer, I can get creative photography into all of my Aberdeen weddings without you noticing too much.

Bridal Preparations.

Bridal preparations are the time when all the fun happens. The bride and the bridal party are getting ready, laughing while hair and makeup are applied and maybe the odd prosecco. But I still manage a creative photo. It could be something as simple as a reflection in a mirror or a little more tricky using lighting to create a hairspray photo.
Then comes the moment. The bride is dressed for the first time on the wedding day. I've got to catch Dad's first glimpse. Next, it's time to do a bridal portrait. Until now, I've been checking where I can capture this portrait. Now's a chance to show my experience.

Groom Portraits.

The groom portraits depend on whether a second photographer is working with me. If I'm spending the morning with the bride, I can only be in one place (unless it's the same building) and let's face it isn't the bride is the most important on the wedding day!

The Couple's Portraits.

The next opportunity to show my creative side, up to now, the day has flowed naturally.
Having met my couples before, we will have made a plan. We'll know where we are going, a location local to the venue or somewhere special to the couple. The aim is to produce that wow photograph. A wedding photo that will have pride of place on their wall for years to come.

The First Dance.

It's a natural moment, but it depends on how I set up to capture this. It is usually in a darker room in the venue. So, lighting is required either on the couple or backlit. Done correctly, it can give spectacular results.

If you think I only want natural wedding photography from my Aberdeen wedding photographer, give my portfolio a look. I have a range of wedding photographs showcasing a creative style.

Why A Wedding Album Is An Investment!

Over the last few years as an Aberdeen wedding photographer, handing over just the digital files has been a regular thing.
We now have the point where most wedding photographs live digitally. What happens when files become corrupted and computers in the future can't read the files? Already the latest computers don't have USB ports.
My parents have wedding photographs and slides going back years. These we can take out and look at whenever we want. They aren't affected by advancing technology.

Now, to the title of this section!

You have paid your chosen Aberdeen wedding photographer to capture the moments of your wedding day. These moments you are going to want to look back on in future. Even pass it down to your children or grandchildren. If they only exist as files, they will probably be lost forever.

Why should you have an album alongside your files?

Like any book, The Wedding Album is a storybook. Your wedding photographer in Aberdeen will advise on this and help you choose your wedding photos.
Most Aberdeen wedding photographers will offer or even include these in their packages. I have priced my Wedding packages with an album included (different sizes and styles with each) so that you know the costs upfront. But obviously, you can upgrade. I do have a Digital only, but me being me, I have included a few prints in the price.
So, to the point.
With digital-only, you run the risk of losing valuable wedding photographs. So, for not too much more in the scheme of things, you can get an album for not much more investment. You then have a lasting product to show your children and grandchildren. An album full of memories to pass down to your children or grandchildren, just like my parents have.